How To Tame A Titanboa. 36 points 🥚 taming & ko jan 19, 2019 report most of the values on here are wrong. To tame the titanoboa you have to drop a fertile egg near it, while it is not distracted in any way (it doesn't work if the titanoboa is aggroed to attacking something, including your character).


Drop an egg near it and it will consume it. Build a 5x5x5 pen and drop them into it filled with eggs. The ark creature id for titanoboa with a copyable spawn command.

It Is So Large, The Dinosaur Will Render Into The Game Far Before Other Resources, Trees And Animals Do.

Be sure to drop them from your inventory, not from dino ones, that will make it bugged, it wont eat. What kind of eggs work. They are high needs pets, but their kibble is used for many good tames.

Fire Eggs Are The Most Popular, And Ice Is The Least Popular.

Put 5x5x5 pens in a pen filled with eggs and build them. Everything you need to know to tame the titanoboa!! The titanoboa will “attack” the egg and eat it, gaining taming progress.

To Easily Tame A Titanoboa, You Can Simply Fly Over One And Drop Fertilized Eggs From Your Inventory Which It Will Eat In Order To Be Tamed.

Clear out all da trees, (so you can see whats going on) 3. They get more taming from poison, and least from lightning. To tame the titanoboa you have to drop a fertile egg near it, while it is not distracted in any way (it doesn’t work if the titanoboa is aggroed to attacking something, including your character).

People Should Be Able To Milk It For Titanoboa Venom That Works As Narcotics 562 Points 🥚 Taming & Ko Dec 14, 2020 Report 1.

In this video, i show you how to tame a titanoboa. ( ark extinction core modded ) if playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. But with cheats you probably can tame every npc.

To Tame The Titanoboa You Have To Drop A Fertile Egg Near It, While It Is Not Distracted In Any Way (It Doesn’t Work If The Titanoboa Is Aggroed To Attacking Something, Including Your Character).

You tame them by droping ferti eggs from your inv on the ground. It is the single largest creature in the game (only to be beaten by the titans, rockwell, and the alpha deathworm), towering over even the brontosaurus and the giganotosaurus. Not sure how it would effect wild dinos, but the boas i run into ko me pretty fast.

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