Preterite Forms Of Jugar. Preterite translation yo jugué i played tú jugaste you played él/ella/usted jugó he/she/you (formal) played nosotros/nosotras jugamos we. The verb jugar is irregular in the present tense.
Let’s go over three of these verbal forms: Imperfect tense conjugation of jugar imperfecto de indicativo de jugar. The present perfect tense is formed by combining the auxiliary verb haber with the participio.
Preterite Translation Yo Jugué I Played Tú Jugaste You Played Él/Ella/Usted Jugó He/She/You (Formal) Played Nosotros/Nosotras Jugamos We.
It also has a g>gu spelling change in the command forms and the yo form of the preterite. Jugar gerundio the gerundio of jugar is jugando. Jugar is regular in this conjugation, except for a small change in.
Part V), With The Exception Of The Ellos/Ellas/Uds.
Fill in the missing letters to form the correct preterite conjugation. Translate preterite form of jugar. Jugar = to play (a sport or game) gerund form = jugando.
It Also Has A G>Gu Spelling Change In The Command Forms And The Yo Form Of The Preterite.
They use the same endings as the other irregular stem verbs (see preterite: The participio of jugar is jugado. The u of the stem becomes ue when it is stressed and the g of the them becomes gu whenever it is followed by an e.
Jugar Al Futbol → To Play Soccer Jugar A Los Videojuegos → To Play Video Games Jugar A La Casita → To Play House
The verb jugar is irregular in the present tense. What are the 3 irregular verbs in spanish? The present perfect tense is formed by combining the auxiliary verb haber with the participio.
Want A Qualified Spanish Teacher To Walk You Through Verb Forms.
It also has a g>gu spelling change in the command forms and the yo form of the preterite. Yo pagué, tú pagaste, él / ud.… The participio of jugar is jugado.
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