Depressed Synonym List. Best idiom synonyms for 'depressed' are 'down in the dumps', 'down in the mouth' and 'in the dumps'. Depressed or unhappy there's no earthly reason for me to feel so blue.
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Learn many more synonyms list down here. Find more similar words at. Best idiom synonyms for 'depressed' are 'down in the dumps', 'down in the mouth' and 'in the dumps'.
Definition Of Depressed Adjective In Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
Find more similar words at. What are synonyms for depressed? Learn many more synonyms list down here.
Depression Antonyms What Is The Opposite Word For Depression?
Synonyms for depression cavity, concavity, dent, dint, hole, hollow, indentation, indenture, pit, recess near antonyms for depression hill, mound, rise bump, bunch, hump, lump, pimple, swell, swelling, tumor antonyms for depression bulge, camber, convexity, jut, projection, protrusion, protuberance 4 the amount by which something is lessened Protuberance happiness elation rise increase convexity bulge cheerfulness gladness joy recovery hopefulness cheer contentment protrusion projection rapture exhilaration euphoria ecstasy bliss boom elevation hump contentedness hope encouragement joyousness joyfulness intoxication Synonyms list a to z !
Eeyorish Feeling Blue Mopey Razor Feeling Minnesota Dejected Emo Dpa Hella Pressed Feeling Down Weepy :Sigh:
Synonyms for depressed concave, dented, dished, hollow, indented, recessed, sunken words related to depressed alveolar, cavernous, crescentic, cuplike, cupped, cuppy, recurved dimpled, pockmarked compressed, condensed, contracted, diminished, reduced near antonyms for depressed ballooning, bloated, blown up, bulbous, distended, enlarged, expanded, Best synonyms for 'depressed' are 'unhappy', 'dejected' and 'miserable'. Synonyms depressed, low, sad, unhappy, fed up, gloomy, dismal, melancholy, glum, dejected, despondent,.
How Do You Use Depressed In A Sentence?
# upset , despondent miserable adj. Increase your vocabulary by using different synonyms as a replacement of different words like you can use “prankish” in place of “mischievous”. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find.
Depressed Or Unhappy There's No Earthly Reason For Me To Feel So Blue.
We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word depressed will help you to finish your crossword today. Find depressed synonyms list of more than 46 words on pasttenses thesaurus. Synonyms for depression compare synonyms abasement abjection blahs bleakness bummer cheerlessness dejection desolation desperation despondency discouragement dispiritedness distress dole dolefulness dolor downheartedness dreariness dullness dumps ennui gloom gloominess heavyheartedness hopelessness lowness melancholia melancholy misery